

Chin-chu bah-ìⁿ-á

Pearl Meatballs – meatballs covered with pearly rice


Pearl meatball is an easy-to-make dish; the ingredients are all very handy plus it doesn’t take long time to make.  I am not sure how this dish is named; I guess it is because steamed meatballs look like pearls with rice covered all around.  I made this dish once when attending a potluck party.  It’s gone very quickly partially because it has to be served hot and also because it is extremely Asian-styled meatball dish for my western friends.


Ingredients: about 20 meatballs

Pork mince: 300g

Half medium-sized onion, shredded and chopped finely

Quarter carrot, shredded and chopped finely

Ginger, 2-3 thin slices, chopped finely

Salt and white pepper powder

Rice (glutinous rice is better) 2 tbspoons, soaked for at least 4 hours and then drained


Sauce (optional)

Sesame oil: 2-3 drops

Soy sauce: 1 tbspoon



1. Mix pork mince with chopped onion, carrot, and ginger together and season the mixture with salt and white pepper powder.

2. With spoon or hands, form the mince mixture into balls; roll the meatballs on the drained rice and put them on a dish.

3. Steam the meatball with high heat for 10-15 minutes (see how big the meatballs are)

4. Take another small shallow dish, mix sesame oil and soy sauce.  If you like, you can add in chili flakes too.  Usually, well-seasoned meatballs requires no sauce; however, it’s something extra to have extra taste in the same dish.


Kong goá ài-chia̍h chi̍t-tiám-á long bô m̄-tio̍h; poàⁿ-mî mā-ē pe-khí-lâi pìⁿ.  Che-sī goá tē-jī-pai chhe chin-chu bah-ìⁿ-á; tē-it-pai sī khì chham-ka chi̍t-ê goā-kok pêng-iú ê party, i iau-kiû múi-chi̍t-ê lâng ài chú chi̍t chhut toà khì kap tāi-ke hun-hióng. siūⁿ-lâi-siūⁿ-khì, m̄-chai beh chú siáⁿ-mi̍h. Tu̍t-jiân siūⁿ-khí ko-tiong ê sî-chūn tī-leh ka-su-khò bat kap tong-ha̍k chú kè chi̍t-chhut-chhài. Kán-tan koh ū à-chiu ê khì-bī, chhai-sióng eng-kai chia̍h-khí-lâi ē kap au-chiu ê pêng-iú só͘ chú ê bô kang-khoáⁿ.


Jī-cha̍p liap ê chin-chu bah-îⁿ-á so͘ ài chhoân ê chhâi-liāu ū:

Ti-bah (ká-bah), 300g

poàⁿ-liap chhang-thâu, chhiat-chhùi (iù)

1/4 tiâu âng-chhài-thâu, chhiat-chhùi (iù)

Kiuⁿ, 2-3 phiⁿ, chhiat-iù


Peh hô͘-chio hún

bí (chut-bí), 2 toa-thng-sî, chìm sì tiám-cheng kú, beh chú chin-chêng chui tó-tiau


chiùⁿ-liau (ùn-liau)

moâ-iû, 2-3 tih

tāu-iû, 1 toa-thng-sî



1. Kā ká-bah kap chhiat chhùi ê chhang-thâu, âng-chhài-thâu, kiuⁿ lām choè-hoé, chhiám kiâm tiⁿ.

2. Iōng thng-sî-á a̍h-sī chhiú, kā lām hó chhài-se ê ká-bah lia̍p choè bah-îⁿ-á hêng. Liap-hó ê bah-îⁿ-á tī chut-bí lāi-toé kô͘ chi̍t lìn, chut-bí tioh ē liâm tī bah-îⁿ-á ê bīn-téng lo!  Choe-hó ê bah-îⁿ-á pâi leh poâⁿ-á

3. Iōng toa hoé chhoe 10~15 hun-cheng; ài khoàⁿ bah-îⁿ-á joā-toa liap, bí mā ài chhoe ho͘ thàu.

4. Theh chi̍t-ê tāu-iû ti̍h-á, lām tāu-iû kap moâ-iû. Nā-sī ài chiah hiam, ē-tàng ka chi̍t-koa hiam-kiuⁿ-á. Bah-îⁿ-á kiâm-tiⁿ chham ū-kàu, sī m̄-bián chiùⁿ-liāu, ū chiùⁿ-liāu chiah khí-lâi mā sī boē-bái.



講我愛食一點仔攏無毋著; 半暝嘛會爬起來變. 這是我第二擺炊珍珠肉圓仔; 第一擺是去參加一個外國朋友的party, 伊要求每一個人愛煮一出菜帶去及大家分享. 想來想去, 毋知欲煮啥物. 突然想起高中的時陣佇leh家事課bat及同學煮過這出菜. 簡單閣有亞洲的氣味, 猜想應該食起來會及歐洲的朋友所煮的無仝款.



豬肉(絞肉), 300g

半粒蔥頭, 切碎()

1/4 條紅菜頭, 切碎()

, 2-3, 切幼


(糯米), 2 大湯匙, 浸四點鐘久, 欲煮進前水倒掉



麻油, 2-3

豆油, 1 大湯匙



1. kā絞肉及切碎的蔥頭, 紅菜頭, lām做夥, 攕鹹甜.

2. 用湯匙仔抑是手, kā lām好菜蔬的絞肉捏做肉圓仔形. 捏好的肉圓仔佇糯米內底kô͘lín, 糯米著會粘佇肉圓仔的面頂囉! 做好的肉圓仔排leh盤仔.

3. 用大火炊10~15分鐘; 愛看肉圓仔偌大粒, 米嘛愛炊乎透.

4. 提一個豆油碟仔, lām豆油及麻油. 若是愛食辛, 會當加一寡辛薑仔. 肉圓仔鹹甜摻有夠, 是毋免醬料, 有醬料食起來嘛是袂bái.



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