Taiwanese traditional dish
Kiâm-pn̄g (iû-pn̄g)
鹹飯 (油飯)
When staying overseas, there is always a moment when homeland food comes and occupied my mind. Dining at an entitled ‘Chinese’ restaurant never satisfies me. It is not only because what is served at Asian restaurants here is not authentic at all; I guess it happens elsewhere as well but also Taiwanese food distinguishes from so-called ‘Chinese food.’ Anyway, there is no doubt that the best solution is to cook myself. For today, I have Kiâm-pn̄g (iû-pn̄g) for lunch.
“Kiâm-pn̄g” literally means ‘salty rice.’ Unlike just rice, which you need dishes or side dishes to accompany; you can just have Kiâm-pn̄g as a main. By the way, iû-pn̄g is another name for kiâm-pn̄g, which means, literally, ‘oily rice,’ referring to plenty of sesame oil is used in this dish. Here are the ingredients:
Rice: 2 cup (glutinous rice is better), rinsed and soaked in water for 2 hours and drained right before cooking
Dried shrimps: 2 tbsp, rinsed
Dried mushrooms: (see how big they are; dried mushrooms are very light you can’t even measure them with kitchen scale, therefore, I suggest.. ..) a half handful, soaked, drained, and shredded
Sesame oil: 50ml
Root ginger: 2 slices
Shallots: 2, finely chopped
Pork or chicken breast: 150g (diced or shredded)
Stock: 3 cups
Soy sauce: 4 tbsp
Salt and white pepper
1. Heat the sesame oil and ginger slices in a saucepan or a wok with medium heat. When the ginger turns to be golden color, add in shallots. Stir occasionally till shallots caramelized.
2. Add in dried shrimps, dried mushrooms and pork or chicken and keep stirring. When the fragrance of these ingredients releases, go adding in rice and continually stir while spooning in stock.
3. Alternately add in soy sauce and stock as well as keep stirring. (it’s quite similarly to the way to cook risotto.)
4. If you have rice cooker, you may transfer the half-cooked rice to it and let the cooker do the rest for you; if not, lower down the heat and cover the lid. Let the steam cook the rice while the stock is absorbed until the rice is tender. Then season to taste.
5. Allow the heat remains on for some extra minutes if you like to have lightly-burned pan crust.
Chiām-sî toà-tī hái-goā, ū-tang-sî-á ē chiok su-bō͘ a-bú ê chhiú-lō͘-chhài. Tī goā-kok, chin-chió ū bē tâi-oân liāu-lí ê chhan-thiaⁿ. Tong-jiân, tiong-kok chhan-thiaⁿ m̄-sī goá ê soán-te̍k. Tī ó͘-bí bē a-chiu liāu-lí ê chhan-thiaⁿ, kháu-bī long ū kai-koè. Lî-chhiáⁿ, tâi-oân liāu-lí ê hó chu-bī mā m̄-sī tiong-kok chhan-thiaⁿ choè-e chhut-lâi. Nā-sī siong-beh chia̍h chi̍t-tùn-a Tâi-oân-bī, siāng-kài kín ê hong-hoat tio̍h-sī ka-kī chú. Kin-á-ji̍t tiong-tàu, pìⁿ-chhut kiâm-pn̄g ē-tàng chiah saⁿ-oán!
Tau-toé sī kiâm-pn̄g á-sī iû-pn̄g? Tī gún-tau chit nn̄g-ê kóng-hoat long sī kang-khoán ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, chí-sī chi̍t-ê kiông-tiāu chia̍h khí-lâi ê kau-bī, chi̍t-ê kiông-tiāu só͘ sú-iōng ê moâ-iû. Í-hā sī beh chhiòng-kiâm-pn̄g ê si̍t-châi:
Bí (chut-bí): 2 poe, soé-koè, chìm nn̄g tiám-cheng kú, beh chú chin-chêng chui tó-tiau
Hê-pi: 2 toa-thng-sî, soé-koè
Hiuⁿ-ko͘: kúi lúi (saⁿ kàu gō͘ lúi), chìm-koè, nih-ho͘-ta, chhiat si
Moâ-iû: 50ml
Kiuⁿ: 2 phìⁿ
Âng-chhang-thâu: 2 liap, chhiat-chhui
Ti-bah á-sī koe-bah: 150g, chhiat kak á-sī chhiat si
Ko-thng: 3 poe
Tāu-iû: 4 toa-thng-sî
Iâm kā peh hô͘-chio-hún
1. Khui tiong-hoé tan-ji̍p kiuⁿ lâi phià moâ-iû. Kiuⁿ pián kim-n̂g-sek liáu-āu, khn̄g-ji̍p âng-chhang-thâu. Put-sî lā-chi̍t-leh, it-ti̍t kàu âng-chhang-thâu pián ka-pi-sek.
2. Ka-ji̍p hê-pi, hiuⁿ-ko͘, iah-koh-iú ti-bah (koe-bah), mā-sī kè-sio̍k poâⁿ-chhá. Hê-pi kā hiuⁿ-ko͘ ê phang-bī chhut-lâi liáu-āu, ka-ji̍p bí, kè-sio̍k chhá. Saⁿ-put-gō͘-sî lâm-ji̍p ko-thng.
3. Lio̍k-sio̍k ka-ji̍p tāu-iû kā ko-thng, kang-khoán kè-sio̍k poâⁿ-chhá
4. Nā-sī ū tiān-ko, tioh oāⁿ iōng tiān-ko chhoe kàu sek. Nā-sī bô tiān-ko, tioh chūn siau-hoé, khàm tiáⁿ-koà, kah bí hip-ho͘ sek. Choè-āu, chham-kiâm-tiⁿ.
5. Ài chiah pn̄g-phí tioh ke kúi hun-cheng chiah kā hoé chhiat-tiau
暫時帶佇(住在)海外, 有tang時á(有時候)會足思慕阿母的手路菜. 佇外國, 真少有賣台灣料理的餐廳. 當然, 中國餐廳毋是我的選擇. 佇歐米(歐美)賣亞洲料理的餐廳, 口味攏有改過. 而且, 台灣料理的好滋味嘛毋是中國餐廳做會出來. 若是想欲食一頓a台灣味, 上蓋緊(最快)的方法著是家己(自己)煮. 今仔日中晝,變(煮)出鹹飯,會當(可以)食三碗!
到底是鹹飯抑是(還是)油飯?佇阮兜(在我家)這兩個講法攏是仝款(同樣)的物件,只是一個強調食起來的口味, 一個是強調所用的麻油. 以下是欲(要)chhiòng鹹飯的食材:
米(秫米/糯米): 2 杯, 洗過, 浸兩點鐘久, 欲煮進前水倒掉
蝦卑(蝦米): 2 大湯匙, 洗過
香菇:幾蕊 (三到五蕊), 浸過, 捏呼乾, 切絲
麻油: 50ml
薑: 2片
紅蔥頭:2粒, 切碎
豬肉抑是雞肉:150g, 切角抑是切絲
1. 開中火擲入薑來phià麻油. 薑變金黃色了後, khn̄g入紅蔥頭. 不時撓一leh, 一直到紅蔥頭變咖啡色.
2. 加入蝦卑, 香菇, 猶閣有 豬肉(雞肉), 嘛是繼續poân炒. 蝦卑kā香菇的芳味出來了後, 加入米, 繼續炒. 三不五時淋入高湯.
3. 陸續加入豆油kā高湯, 仝款繼續拌炒
4. 若是有電鍋, 著換用電鍋炊到熟. 若是無電鍋, 著chūn小火, 蓋鼎蓋, kah米翕(悶)呼熟. 最後, 摻鹹甜
5. 愛食飯庀(鍋巴)著(就)加幾分鐘才kā(把)火切掉