The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. by St. Augustine ~Cutie又要搬家了,所以這陣子,又將非常不定期上網,因此,回覆留言的速度又會比之前更慢,請大家見諒。~

目前分類:廚房ideas (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

本文照片皆擷取於BBC iPlayer之節目播放系統(all photos in this article were taken from ”Hairy Bakers Everyday Gourmets – Dinner for Two” shown on BBC iPlayer)

這文章的標題很長其實在這四個英文字的後面,還有一整串,其完整的標題應該是: Imagination, Palate, Presentation, and Fineness觀看Hairy Bakers Everyday GourmetsDinner for Two感想

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