
Albóndigas con salsa de tomate

Bah-oân lâm thô͘-má-toh chiùⁿ




Bah-oân lâm thô͘-má-toh chiùⁿ mā-sī chi̍t-chhut tapas. Ē-tàng kan-ná án-ne choe chiú-phoè, mā ē-sái choe-choè chiùⁿ-liāu lâm mī á-sī pn̄g, ná-chhiūⁿ í-tāi-lī bah-chiùⁿ mī ia̍h-sī cha̍p-chhài kiáu pn̄g. Chhiáⁿ-lâng-kheh ê sî-chūn, chú chi̍t toa phoan thǹg bah-oân, chhe hoe-chhài pâi-poâ mā-sī chin tāi-hong.


肉丸淋thô͘-má-toh 嘛是一出tapas. 會當kan-ná按呢做酒配, 嘛會使做作醬料淋麵抑是飯, 若像義大利肉醬麵抑是什菜攪飯. 請人客的時陣, 煮一大盤肉丸, 燙青花菜 排盤 嘛是真大方.


225g minced ground beef

225g ê ká-bah (gû-bah)

225g 的絞肉 (牛肉)


4 spring onions (scallions), thinly sliced

4 liap âng-chhang-thâu, chhiat-chhùi

4粒紅蔥頭, 切碎


2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 liap ê soàn-thâu, chhiat-chhùi

2 粒的蒜頭, 切碎


2 tbsp grated fresh parmesan cheese

2 toa-thng-sî ê parmesan cheese, siah-hó-chiok-iù

2 大湯匙的parmesan cheese, 削好足幼


2tsp fresh thyme leaves

2 siau-thng-sî ê thyme



1 tbsp olive oil

1 toa-thng-sî ê kan-ná-iû



3 tomatoes, chopped

3 liap thô͘-má-toh, chhiat-chhùi

3thô͘-má-toh, 切碎


2 tbsp red or dry white wine

2 toa-thng-sî ê âng chiú (peh-chiú mā-ē-sái)

2 大湯匙的紅酒(白酒嘛會使)


2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary

2 siau-thng-sî ê rosemary, chhiat-chhùi

2 小湯匙的rosemary, 切碎


Pinch of sugar

Chi̍t-tiám-á thn̂g



Salt and ground black pepper

Iâm kā o͘-hô͘-chio

, 烏胡椒

1. Put the minced beef in a bowl. Add the spring onions, garlic, parmesan and thyme and plenty of salt and pepper. 

1. Kā ká-bah kah âng-chhang-thâu, soàn-thâu, parmesan cheese, thyme, iah-koh-ū iâm kā o͘-hô͘-chio lām chò-hoé

1. Kā 絞肉合紅蔥頭,蒜頭,parmesan cheese, thyme,益閣有鹽烏胡椒lām做伙。 

2. stir well to combine then shape the mixture into small firm balls

2. só͘-iú ê châi-liāu lā chiâu-ûn, lia̍p-choe chi̍t-liap chi̍t-liap cha̍t-pak ê bah-oân

2. 所有的材料撓齊勻, 捏做一粒一粒實腹的肉丸。 

3. heat the olive oil in a large heavy frying pan and cook the meatballs for about 5 minutes, turning frequently, until evenly browned all over

3. Kan-ná-iû jia̍t-tiáⁿ, seng chian bah-oân tāi-iok 5 hun-cheng, sî-siông péng-pêng, it-ti̍t-kàu bah-oân chiau-se̍k

3. 橄欖油熱鼎, 先煎肉丸大約5分鐘, 時常反爿, 一直到肉丸齊熟。 

4. add the chopped tomatoes, wine, rosemary and sugar to the pan, with salt and ground black pepper to taste

4. ka-ji̍p chhiat-hó ê thô͘-má-toh, chiú, rosemary, kah thn̂g, choè-āu chham-kiâm-tiⁿ

4. 加入切好的thô͘-má-toh, , rosemary, kah , 最後 摻鹹甜。

5. Cover the pan and cook gently for about 15 minutes until the tomatoes are pulpy and the meatballs are cooked through. Check the sauce for seasoning and serve the meatballs hot, garnished with the thyme.

5. Khàm-tiáⁿ-koà, ûn-ûn-á kún kàu thô͘-má-toh iûⁿ-kô͘-kô͘Thàn-sio chhut-chhài

5. 蓋鼎蓋, 緩緩仔滾到thô͘-má-toh烊糊糊。趁燒出菜。




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