Light Lemon Cheesecake
chheng-sńg ê cheesecake
I like cheesecake very much; however, I need to watch out my weight and here is a solution – light lemon cheesecake. I like this version best because, firstly, there is no digestive biscuit needed and secondly, butter, or any form of oil, is spared too. To be honest, when I bake cheesecake, I always use low fat cheese and even yogurt serves as substitute for half of the cheese in use, which makes me feel less guilty …hahaha… However, with this recipe, I can enjoy cheesecake and not worry too much about calories intake. The following ingredients can be made 8 muffin-sized light cheesecakes.
Cream cheese: 100g (I still use low fat cream cheese; it still tastes good.)
Whole milk: 75g
Two eggs; separated white and yolks
Plain flour: 20g
Sugar: 40g
Lemon juice: 1tbsp
Zest of half lemon
Shredless lemon marmalade: 1 tbsp
Water: 1tbsp
1. Cut baking paper into the shape of the mold bottom; grease the inner circle of the mold too.
2. Preheat the oven to 135°C; at the same time, put a cup of water on the bottom rack too.
3. Blend the cream cheese with milk evenly. Then add in yolks one by one. After making sure all ingredients mixed well, sieve in flour and spoon in lemon juice as well as zest the lemon rind and lightly whisk them combined nicely.
4. In another bowl, whisk the egg white for seconds before sugar is added in. Continually whisk the egg white till it forms soft peak with dew when lifted.
5. Fold in cream cheese mixture with the fluffy egg white and again lightly blend them evenly.
6. Pour the
mixture into the baking mold and bake it in a bath for 70~80minutes. (it varies based on ovens.)
7. Let the cheese cake cool down and then turn out the cake and remove the baking paper and place it upright on a dish.
8. In a small saucepan, spoon in water and lemon marmalade; as soon as the jam melts in the water, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down a bit. Before the mixture becomes jelly again, spread it on the surface of the cheesecake. (optional)
(The jelly-like marmalade mixture makes the cake looks glossy.)
The photo: my second try. It doesn't look nice, does it? I swear, it tastes really nice!
As soon as I cut the cake, I know I made it! (I failed for the frist time; I'll show the photo below.)
Kiaⁿ toā-kho͘ koh ài-chia̍h cheesecake ê sui ko͘-niû-á kin-á-ji̍t kài-siāu ê tāng-liōng khin-niú-siùⁿ chia̍h-khí-lâi chheng-sńg ê cheesecake, it-tēng ài oh khí-lâi.
驚大箍閣愛食cheesecake的水姑娘仔, 今仔日介紹的重量輕兩相, 食起來清爽的cheesecake, 一定愛學起來.
Cream cheese: 100g
Gû-lin: 75g
Nn̄g, 2 liap, nn̄g-chheng kā nn̄g-lîn pun-khui
mī-hún: 20g
thn̂g: 40g
le-bóng chiap: 1 toa-thng-sî
poan liap le-bóng phê (iōng siōng iù ê chhài-koe khau-á boâ le-bóng phê; mài khau tioh peh-sek ê pō͘-hūn, peh-sek ê phê ē khó͘)
le-bóng kháu-bī ê ké-chí-chiùⁿ: 1 toa-thng-sî
chui: 1 toa-thng-sî
Cream cheese: 100g
牛奶: 75g
卵, 2粒, 卵清kā卵仁分開
麵粉: 20g
糖: 40g
檸檬汁: 1大湯匙
半粒檸檬皮(用尚幼的菜瓜剾仔磨檸檬皮;勿剾著白色的部份, 白色的皮會苦)
檸檬口味的果子醬: 1 大湯匙
水: 1 大湯匙
1. Kā hang choá ka choè bô͘-á toé ê hêng-chōng; iōng iû boah bô͘-á lāi-pêng.
2. Sū-sian jia̍t hang-lô͘ kàu 135°C; tong-sî, khǹg chi̍t-poe chui tī siōng ē-té chàn
3. Kā cream cheese kap gû-lin lā ho͘ chiâu-ûn. Nn̄g-liap nn̄g-lîn pun nn̄g-pai ka-ji̍p cheese kô͘. Só͘-iú ê chhâi-liāu lâm ho͘ chiâu-ûn, Chài-koh kè-thai mī-hún, sám-ji̍p le-bóng chiap kā le-bóng phê. Koh-chi̍t-pai kā só͘-iú ê chhâi-liāu lā chiâu-ûn.
4. Tī lēng-goā chi̍t-ê oáⁿ, nn̄g-chheng phah kúi ē, chai ka-ji̍p thn̂g. Kè-sio̍k phah nn̄g-chheng kàu gúi-khí-lâi nn̄g-chheng kô͘ ē ū chi̍t-ê kau-á.
5. Ûn-ûn-á tó-ji̍p cheese kô͘ kàu nn̄g-chheng kô͘ lāi-té; khin-khin-á poan ho͘ chiâu-ûn.
6. Kā poân-ho͘ ê koe-nn̄g-ko kô͘ tó-ji̍p bô͘-á lai; bô͘-á sì-chiu-ûi khn̄g chui, hang 70~80 hun-cheng.
7. Hang hó ê cheesecake, seng hō͘-i khah liang chai án bô͘-á tó chhut-lâi, theh tiau hang choá, chiaⁿ khn̄g koe-nn̄g-ko tī poâⁿ-á lāi.
8. Tī sio-hêng ê tiáⁿ khat ji̍p le-bóng ké-chí-chiùⁿ kap chui, kā ké-chí-chiùⁿ chú ho͘ khui, chú seng thn̂g chui; khah liang tām-po̍h-á, thn̂g-chúi lâm leh cheesecake bīn-téng. (Mā ē-sái thiàu kè chi̍t pō͘; lâm ké-chí-chiùⁿ ê thn̂g-chúi chí-sī māi ho͘ koe-nn̄g-ko khoàⁿ khí-lâi khah kng-bīn.)
1. Kā烘紙ka作模仔底的形狀; 用油抹模仔內爿.
2. 事先熱烘爐到135°C; 同時, khǹg 一杯水佇尚下底層.
3. Kā cream cheese 合牛奶撓乎齊勻. 兩粒卵仁分兩擺加入cheese糊. 所有的材料lâm乎齊勻. 再-koh過篩麵粉, 摻入檸檬汁kā檸檬皮.閣一擺kā所有的材料撓齊勻.
4.佇另外一個碗, 卵清phah幾下, 再加入糖. 繼續phah卵清到gúi起來卵清糊會有一個鉤仔.
5. 緩緩仔倒入cheese糊到卵清糊內底; 輕輕仔拌乎齊勻.
6. kā poân乎的雞卵糕糊倒入模仔內; 模仔四周圍khn̄g水, 烘70~80分鐘.
7. 烘好的cheesecake, 先予伊卡涼再按模仔倒出來, 提掉烘紙, 正khn̄g雞卵糕佇盤仔內.
8. 佇小型的鼎khat入檸檬果子醬合水, kā果子醬煮乎開, 煮成糖水; 卡涼淡薄仔, 糖水淋leh cheesecake面頂. (嘛會使跳過一步; 淋果子醬的糖水只是眛乎雞卵糕看起來卡光面.)
這個食譜取自於周老師的美食教室, however, 我第一次是失敗的,我想這跟兩地(英國、台灣)的麵粉、牛奶等材料的質地不同有關。此一食譜的計量,就是嘗試成功後的比例改變。
My recipe originates from “Teacher Chow’s Delicacies Classroom.” However, I failed for the first time when baking with Chow’s version. I guess it is because the texture/quality of flour and milk or ingredients in Taiwan is slightly different from that in the UK. Thus, I modified the scales and personally tried and make sure it works before publishing the recipe. Hope you enjoy it!
The photo: my first try; it looks ok but the texture isn't. btw, I added fresh blueberries in the cheese mixture.