Prawn Pad Thai
Thài-kok ê chhá-mī ~ Pad Thai
泰國的炒麵 ~ Pad Thai
I quite like Thai cuisine. It is not just because I like something spicy (hot); it is also because I like the fragrance of Thai dishes, which comes from the fresh herbs, spices, and coconut milk. I also like to cook Thai food myself if I don’t go dining in a Thai restaurant. The ingredients are quite handy here in the UK; I guess it is because students from Thailand is also one of the majority amongst all internationals, besides, British people love visiting Thailand for holidays, which indicates that they are not unfamiliar with Thai cuisine. Oh, I should say, one of the factors encouraging me to cook Thai dishes is I can, very easily, buy ingredients imported from Thailand with comparatively reasonable prices whereas almost nothing is imported from Taiwan and everything from Japan is highly-priced. (Yes, you got it; I don’t buy product of China. Come on, a 1-lite soy sauce only cost you less than one pound; do you really believe it is made from soy beans not from any chemicals? )
Ingredients: 2 serving
Vegetable/olive oil: 4 tbsp
Half (red) onion
2 sticks of spring onions, washed and cut into pieces
200g bean sprouts, washed and drained
1 egg
(Dried) rice noodles: 100g
8~10 prawns
Peanut flakes, 2 tsp (garnish)
(I used walnut for instead)
Pad Thai sauce:
4 tbsp tomato sauce (Ketchup)
4 tbsp chili sauce
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 tbsp fish sauce
Red chili (optional)
1. Soak the dried rice noodles in hot/warm water. After the noodles become soft, drain them.
2. In a wok or pan, fry the red onion with oil first. When onion becomes soft, add in rice noodles, and then egg. Stir well to make ingredients combine well and then add in bean sprouts.
3. Stir fry for another 2 minutes or till the bean sprouts are half cooked and then add in pad Thai sauce. Keep stirring; make sure that sauce is absorbed by noodles and then add in prawns. When prawns turn to pink, add in spring onion and then stir for another one minute. Done!
Goá ài chiah Thài-kok chhài, chin-chêng bat kóng-kè in-ūi goá ài chiah hiam ê; iah-koh-ū in-ūi Thài-kok liāu-lí iōng chin-choē sin-sián ê phang-liāu kap iâ-chí leng. Nā-sī bô chio pêng-iú khi Thài-kok chhan-thiaⁿ chia̍h-pn̄g, goá tioh ē ka-kī chú Thài-kok chhài. Khó-lêng sī in-ūi Eng-kok boē-chió Thài-kok ha̍k-seng, àn Thài-kok chin-kháu ê chiah-chhâi chióng-lūi choē, kè-siàu mā khah sio̍k. (Tī chia, Tâi-oân ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ bô hó boé) Ji̍t-pún ê Hân-kok ê chia̍h-mi̍h (si̍t-bu̍t) long kùi kàu bē bong e. Sī, goá bô ài boé Tiong-kok hè. Kha-thâu-u siong mā chai, chi̍t-koàn tāu-iû bô kàu chi̍t Eng-pōng; kang-khoaⁿ toa koàn ê ji̍t-pún chin-kháu ê tāu-iû ài i ê chì-chió la̍k pē. Chi̍t Eng-pōng ài chhâi-liāu, ài lâng-kang, ài ūn-hùi... koh-chài-kong chin-chêng mā ū sin-bûn kong tī Tiong-kok ū o͘-sim ê kang-tiûⁿ iōng thâu-mn̂g lâi choè tāu-iû; ē kiaⁿ-sí lâng oh!)
Nā-sī í-chêng m̄-pat khoaⁿ-kè iōng thâu-mn̂g choè tāu-iû ê sin-bûn, chia ū bāng-chām hō͘-lí chham-khó.
Chhái-liāu: (2 lâng hūn)
Iû, 4 toa-thng-sî
Poan liap chhang-thâu (giâ-lân-sek ê chhang-thâu)
2 ki chhang-á, soé-kè, chhiat choè chhang-á chu
200g ê tāu-chhài, soé-kè, lêng-ho͘-ta
1 liap nn̄g
(ta-ê) Thài-kok bí-hún, 100g
8~10 boé hê-á
Thô͘-tāu chhùi, 2 sio-thng-sî (goá bô thô͘-tāu, iōng hu̍t-thô͘ tai-thoè)
Thài-kok chhá-mī ê chiùⁿ-liāu:
4 toa-thng-sî ê thô͘-má-toh chiùⁿ (khe-chiá-phù)
4 toa-thng-sî ê hiam-kiuⁿ-á chiùⁿ
2 toa-thng-sî ê soa-thn̂g
2 toa-thng-sî ê hî-á chhò͘ (fish sauce)
Hiam-kiuⁿ-á, sui ì
1. Thài-kok bí-hún phàu tī sio chúi. Tán bí-hún hoê-nńg, lêng ho͘ ta.
2. Tī chhá-chhài tiáⁿ seng khian-phang chhang-thâu. Chhang-thâu hoê-nńg, tioh ka-ji̍p bí-hún, chiah koh phah nn̄g lo̍h-khì. Lā chi̍t-ē, ho͘ nn̄g ē-tàng kap bí-hún sio-lām, chiah koh ka-ji̍p tāu-chhài.
3. Phoan chhá chha-put-to 2 hun-cheng a̍h-sī tāu-chhài chú kàu poan-seⁿ-sek, tioh khai-sí ka-ji̍p chiùⁿ-liāu. Kè-sio̍k poan-chhá, chù-ì chiùⁿ-liāu ài ho͘ bí-hún khip-siu a̍h-sī kap bí-hún lām chiok chiâu-ûn, chiah ka-ji̍p hê-á. Hê-á piàn-sek, tioh chham-ji̍p chhang-á-chu, koh chai poan-chhá 1 hun-cheng, tioh ē-tàng khat-khí-lâi.
我愛食泰國菜, 進前(之前)bat(曾)講過因為我愛食辛(辣)的; 益閣有(還有)因為泰國料理用真濟(真多)新鮮的香料及椰子奶. 若是無招朋友去泰國餐廳食飯(吃飯), 我著(就)會家己(自己)煮泰國菜. 可能是因為英國袂少(不少)泰國學生, 按(自)泰國進口的食材種類多, 價數(價格)嘛卡俗. (佇遮, 台灣的物件無好買 / 在這裡,台灣的東西不好買) 日本的,韓國的食物(食物)攏貴到袂摸e.(貴到不能摸) 是啦, 我無愛(不愛)買中國貨. 腳頭窩(膝蓋)想嘛知, 一罐豆油無到一英pōng; 仝款大罐的日本進口的豆油愛(要)伊的至少六倍. 一英pōng愛(要)材料, 愛(要)人工, 愛(要)運費... 閣再講, 進前嘛有新聞講佇中國有烏心的工場用頭毛來做豆油;會驚死人喔!)
若是以前毋捌看過用頭毛做豆油的新聞, 遮(這裡)有網站予(給)你參考.
油 4 大湯匙
2枝蔥仔, 洗過, 切做蔥仔珠
200g的豆菜, 洗過, 拎乎乾
(乾的)泰國米粉, 100g
8~10尾 蝦仔
土豆碎, 2 小湯匙 (我無土豆, 用核桃代替)
4 大湯匙的thô͘-má-toh醬(khe-chiá-phù)
4 大湯匙的hiam薑仔醬
2大湯匙的魚仔chhò͘ (fish sauce)
Hiam薑仔, 隨意
1. 泰國米粉泡佇燒水. 等米粉回軟, 拎乎乾.
2. 佇炒菜鼎先掔芳蔥頭. 蔥頭回軟, 著加入米粉, 才閣phah卵落去. 撓一下, 乎卵會當及米粉相濫, 才閣加入豆菜.
3. 拌炒差不多2分鐘抑是豆菜煮到半生熟, 著開始加入醬料. 繼續拌炒, 注意醬料乎米粉吸收抑是及米粉lām足齊勻, 才加入蝦仔. 蝦仔變色, 著摻入蔥仔珠, 閣再拌炒1分鐘, 著會當khat起來.